Monday, September 20, 2010

The Death of the Author, Roland Barthes 1977

Through various ideologies, a great amount of importance is placed on “the author, his person, his life, his in the man or woman who produce (the writing)” as if it were “the voice of a single person, the author confiding in us.” However, it is the language that speaks, not the author. Barthes gives an example of the surrealist ‘jolt’ of automatic writing. “… by accepting the principle and experience of several people writing together” the system of language cannot be changed by an individual, only altered. This is because text is a “tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centres of culture.” Nothing that comes out of a single person in the form of text or language is truly original.

An artist can create something, and then attribute influences or ideas into the creation of the work. The ideas do not simply come from inside the artist. Personal histories and interests, political and social ideals, education, cultural backgrounds, religious and philosophical beliefs, all work together to form the artist or author into a filter. She or he becomes a filter for everything they know, so although they can learn through artistic expression, they do not actually create anything from nothing. 

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